This is my monster, basical, An over exaggerated version of myself and I think this would be the best way to describe and say who I really am happy fun loving, colourful person, whenever anyone sees me I'm always smiling maybe its cause I know I will be ookay or maybe because I was taught at a young age that stressing would help anyone my mom would get so upset with me whenever I would sulk cry or even complain. I am a rainbow child and every part of me is happy from the way I talk to people, to the way I act. I love nature and everything about it.......
I may not have much to be happy about, but I'd rather be smiling sun flower and roses then angry, many of my friends even say that I act like a child the way I am always happy. This monster really shows my child like manner and personality. The smiley face and colourful patterns. People would literally refer to me as the phrase "all sunshine nd roses"